Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

KH1508A 8-port Cat 5 High-Density KVM Switch

For More information price and detail visit sites  here   The KH1508A KVM switches are control units that allow IT administrators to access and control multiple computers from a single PS/2 or USB KVM console (keyboard, monitor, and mouse). Operators can take control of up to 8 computers. By daisy chaining up to 31 additional switches, as many as 256 computers can be controlled from the original KVM console. KH1508A KVM switches...

Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

TFT Fanless Touch Panel Computer with Intel® Celeron® Processor J1900

For Information call +62 31 3535656 or visit site in here 15" XGA TFT Fanless Touch Panel Computer with Intel® Celeron® Processor J1900 | asp-automation.com 15" XGA (1024 x 768) color TFT LCD display with LED backlight Fanless cooling system with Intel® Celeron® Processor J1900 4C @ 2.0/2.42 (Burst) GHz CPU Ultra slim design: thickness 54.6 mm Super light weight: 3.2 kg Easy for expansion: PCIe Mini Card slots Supports panel mount...

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Computer HMI WebOP-2100T

[RTOS] 10.1 WSVGA Operator Panel with WebOP Designer Software  Informasi lebih lanjut bisa kunjungi site kami di.http://www.asp-automation.com/ atau hubungi kantor kami di +62 31 3535656   HMI produk Advantech | asp-automation.com Various LCD sizes (4.3", 5.6", 7", 8", 10.1") Supports ARM9-based CPUs with 200MHz and 128MB flash memory Supports RTC, battery backup RAM, and Ethernet-based operator...

Advantech IPC-510

Advantech IPC-510 is a 4U height IPC rackmount chassis for ATX motherboards. Untuk pemesanan dan update harga bisa kunjungi site kami di  http://www.asp-automation.com/ atau telepon di +62 31 3535656 Produk asp-automation | IPC computer Advantech The IPC-510 industrial computer chassis is designed as core building blocks for mission-critical applications and offers overall best price/performance. IPC-510 is shockproof and has has...

Kamera Security untuk Industrial

Kamera Industri Vacron Vacron | asp-automation  Kamera Industri biasanya dikhususkan untuk suhu yang tinggi seperti di dalam pabrik, tahan goncangan. Kami berpengalaman dalam mengerjakan ini. Hubungi kami untuk penawaran anda disini We Serve Better....

Komputer IPC

Hubungi kami di +62 31 3535656 atau kunjungi site kami di sini Inter-Process Communication (IPC) atau Komunikasi antar proses adalah cara atau mekanisme pertukaran data antara satu proses dengan proses lainnya, baik itu proses yang berada di dalam komputer yang sama, atau komputer jarak jauh yang terhubung melalui jaringan. IPC terdiri atas protokol yang menjamin sebuah respons dari sebuah permintaan. Contoh dari IPC adalah Socket dalam...